Traballos da Terra




Celso Emilio Ferreiro was born on 6th January, 1912 in Celanova in a rich family sine, he was the son of Venancio Ferreiro Reinoso (member belongig to the Brotherhood of Speech) and Obdulia Míguez Buzán, he was the smallest of seven brothers





  • During his childhood he would spend long periods in the family house  in Acevedo do Río, population near Celanova .
  • He studies until 1929 in the school of Escolapians in Celanova.
  • Later, Celso Emilio and his friend José Velo Mosquera found the Federación de Mocedades Galeguistas (Galician Nationalist Youth Federation). They published a biweekly newspaper called Guieiro, the author had a problem related to an article publicated in this journal.
  • Civil War explodes and he is sent to the front of Asturias.
  • Because of a telephonic confusion he will be meet his future wife, María Luisa Moraima Loredo.
  • When the war ends he returns to Celanova and studies for free Law and Educational Practice, although he will not exert as a teacher.
  • In the same year he moved to Pontevedra.
  • He goes in for a public competition and he got the position of secretary.
  • Until  July 1945, he is the editor-in-chief of the magazine Finisterre. The first time that Galician poems are included in a magazine of the postwar period.
  • On 15th July, 1943 he marries Moraima. The wedding is celebrated in the cultural club Jollevanos of Oviedo, because the church was bombarded during the civil war.
  • He works in the collection Benito Soto, an editorial project carried out between 1948 and 1952 in Pontevedra, Emilio Álvarez Negreira, Manuel Cuña Novás and Sabino Torres Ferrer.


  • He participates in radio broadcasting of Galician Programme BBC  of London.
  • In October of 1949 he obtained the title of attorney and in September 1950, he moved to Vigo to practice as such. During this time he collaborates in the Faro de Vigo newspaper.
  • Between 1950 and 1966, his bibliographical production was extensive (see bibliography).
  • On 25th July, 1964 he co-founded the Union do pobo Galego (Galician People´s Union) in Santiago de Compostela.
  • He emigrates to Venezuela, to Caracas, on 22th May, 1966. Because it was the only possibility that he still had after feeling very next the pursuit of the repressive forces of the pro-Franco regime.      This way he was reporting it personally. There, he collaborates with the Irmandade Galega (Galician Brotherhood) and it will deal with the radial emission of Sempre en Galiza (Always in Galiza) and the direction of the Escola Castelao (Castelao School) .
  • In 1967 he founds the Grupo Nós. From this group it was trying to politicize the Irmandade Galega  in a clearly nationalistic sense.

Later, he would find opposite actions, and, for mandate of the Spanish ambassador in Venezuela, a sector of the brotherhood finishes with the poet´s labor. In July, 1968 he receives an official release of the brotherhood in which is indicated his expulsion.

  • In 1969 he breaks with the UPG, with what he begins a period of job insecurity that takes him from a job to another.
  • In March 1969 he obtains the Venezuelan citizenship.
  • In 1970 he gains to Access to the Press Office of the Central Information of the Presidency, being president Rafael Caldera.
  • In 1971 he won the Salamanca´s Poetry Poplar Prize  with the work Antipoems. He also collaborates in the magazine Vieiros.


  • On 10th March, 1973 Álvaro Gil hires Celso Emilio to work in a journal called Tribuna Médica (Medic Tribune) so, he backs to Spain, to Madrid.


  • He is presented as senator for Ourense within the Galician Democratic Candidacy to the elections of 1977, encouraged by a group of friends, although they didn´t  have politician´s  vocation.
He doesn´t get elected by a small number of votes.
  • He died on 30th August, 1979 and he is buried the 1st of September in Celanova.


  • 1936 Cartafol de poesía (Poetry folder) : a collection of poems that the author along with Joseph Velo Mosquera sent from Celanova to people interested in poetry.
  • 1941 Al aire de tu vuelo : a book of poems in Spanish dedicated to his girlfriend Moraima.
  • 1947 Bailadas, cantigas e donaires (Dances, chans and females): set of poems prefaced by Fermín Bouza-Brey.
  • 1951 Musa alemá (German muse) : within the collection Benito Soto.
  • 1954 Curros Enríquez : a bibliographic essay about  the figure of Curros Enríquez, based on which he collected himself and what his parents told him, because they were neighbors in the same street where the author was born.
  • 1954 O sono sulagado (The drowned dream) : the covers and the vignettes of this book were made by Celso Emilio and his eldest son, José María.
  • 1955 Voz y voto (Voice and vote) : book of social poems published in Spanish.
  • 1963 Longa noite de pedra (Long night of stone) : this book devoted Celso Emilio definitely as a poet; an autobiographical and critic book that contained verses denouncing a time of misery of the working classes, emigration, political oppression and hunger for freedom.
  • As a reaction to the expulsion of the Brotherhood he published in 1968 Viaxe ao país dos ananos (Journey to the land of dwarfs), in which attacks those emigrants enriched and degraded.
  • 1968 Cantigas de escarnio e maldecir (Songs of scorn and cursing) : satire against specific people of the Brotherhood, which is published under the pseudonym of Arístides Silveira.
  • 1968 Terra de ningures (Nowhere´s land).
  • In 1970 he published 13 poemas iracundos e unha canción inesperada (13 angry poems and an unexpected song) in addition to the romance of the blind Paco Pixiñas under the pseudonym of Arístides Silveira.
  • 1972 Antipoemas (Antipoems) : this work would suffer the consequences of censorship and 10 poems were eliminated without permission of the author, in response Celso Emilio published in Venezuela Poems prohibited.
  • 1972 A fronteira infinda (The endless frontier).
  • 1973 Os autentes (The Auth)  under the pseudonym of Alexis Vainacova and Fóronse á puñeta (They went to kiss) with heteronym Neskezas Cokhan Mordhe.
  • 1973 Cimeterio privado (Private cemetery) : a book of burlesque epitaphs published by a group of Galician emigrants in Geneva.
  • 1975 Onde o mundo se chama Celanova (Where in the world is called Celanova) : book of love themes that recounts his childhood in Celanova.  With this book he won the Galician Poetry Criticism Award.
  • 1975 Al César enano” (To the dwarfish Caesar) : brochure with poems in Spanish against Franco and his system compiled by Stow Kiwoto Lumen, another of his pseudonyms.
  • 1978 A taberna do galo (The rooster tavern) : book of imagined memories based on real facts.




  1. He played in the Sporting of Celanova as his time as a teenager.
  2. One of his most important dates:
    “My predilection for the Galician language is not due to a deliberate personal determination, it is due to an inescapable fact: it was my natural language in childhood and adolescence; my mother tongue, in the innermost sense of the word, with which I began to discover the world ...”                                                                                    (ABC Thursday 25th July, 1974 Morning Edition page 48).
  3. He liked fishing.



  • In Santiago de Compostela on Semptember 28, 1979.
  • In Madrid on November 17, 1979.
  • Vigo Council instituted in 1981 the Poetry Award Celso Emilio Ferreiro. At the same time was created in Santiago de Compostela the Foundation that bears his name.
  • On May 17, 1989 the Galician Literature Day was dedicated to his figure.
  • In 2003 was the 25th anniversary of his death.
  • In 2012 is celebrated the centenary of his birth.
  • The book of tributes, he gave the original to his friend Jesus Montero Alonso, photographer in Celanova, a few days before his death.





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